Board Exam General Instructions

Don't be lateGeneral Instructions To Examinees
Report to the Test Center before 6:30 a.m. on the first day of examination to verify your room and seat numbers.

Late examinees will not be admitted.

Attend to your personal needs before the start of examination in every subject. No examinee will be allowed to go out of the examination room while the examination is in progress.

Always put your answer sheet on top of the armchair while taking the examination.

Stop answering the test questions at the end of the time alloted for the subject. Arrange your test papers as follows:

  1. Notice of Admission;
  2. Answer Sheet; and
  3. Test Questionnaire
Do not leave the room until
  1. your answer sheet and test question set are received by the room watchers,
  2. you have signed, indicated the time and set ( A or B ) on the Examinees Record of Attendance, and
  3. the lower portion of your Notice of Admission (Certification on the Receipt of Test Papers) is signed by the Room Watchers and returned to you.


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