Nursing Course Syllabus
Foundations of Nursing Practice Including Professional Adjustment also known as the Nursing Board Exam Scope.These are the subjects covered by the Nursing Licensure Examination in the Philippines. If you are preparing for the Nursing Boards, make sure you cover all of these in your review.
I downloaded this Nursing Syllabi from the PRC website. Since the PRC website seems to encounter frequent downtime, I decided to post it here as well. But you can go to this link to get it straight from the internet source: Description
Theories, concepts, principles and processes basic to the practice of nursing.
II. Terminal Competencies
1. Utilizes the nursing process in the care of individuals, families and communities.
2. Communicates effectively with patients/clients, families as well as other members of the health team in various settings.
3. Demonstrates leadership and management skills to ensure safe and quality nursing care.
4. Relates effectively with others in work situations.
5. Utilizes concepts, theories, principles in the care of clients.
6. Ensures a well-organized, accurate recording and reporting system.
7. Participates in research activities and utilizes research findings to improve nursing practice.
8. Observes ethico-moral values and legal responsibilities in nursing care.
9. Assumes responsibility for personal and professional growth.
III. Content Outline
1. Professional Nursing
A. Historical perspectives in nursing
B. Nursing as a profession
C. Theories in nursing
D. Health care delivery system
2. Health and Illness Behavior
A. Man as a biopsycho-socio - cultural- spiritual being
B. Factors influencing health and illness
C. Risk factors
D. Adaptation to stress and anxiety
E. Life span, cycle and development
3. Interactive Processes
A. Nurse client relationship
B. Teaching learning process
C. Documentation/recording
D. Communication
E. Therapeutic use of self
4. Safety, Comfort and Hygiene
A. Safety
B. Management of pain
C. Hygiene
D. Mobility and immobility
E. Skin integrity
F. Sensory alteration
G. Substance abuse
5. Basic Physiological Needs
A. Oxygenation
B. Nutrition
C. Rest and sleep
D. Fluid and electrolyte balance
E. Urinary elimination
F. Bowel elimination
G. Activity and exercise
6. Basic Psychosocial Needs
A. Safety and security
B. Love and belonging
C. Spiritual needs
D. Sexuality and sexual needs
E. Self concept
F. Death, grief and grieving
G. Sensory deprivation and body image
H. Crisis intervention
7. Basic Nursing Skills
A. Nursing process
B. Admission and discharge
C. Vital signs
D. Physical examination and health assessment
E. Administration of medications
F. Asepsis and infection control
G. Emergency measures
H. Wound care
I. Care of the dying and the dead
J. Perioperative care
K. Others
8. Ethico-legal Aspects
A. Nursing ethics
B. Legal aspects in the practice of nursing
C. The Philippine Nursing Law
D. Related laws affecting the practice of nursing
E. Continuing education for nurses
F. Professional organizations of nursing
9. Management and Leadership
A. Theories and principles of management
B. Standards of nursing practice
C. Elements of administration and management/functions of management
D. Leadership style
E. Organization
F. Staffing
G. Patient Care Classification System
H. Patterns/modalities of nursing care
10. Basic Research
A. Ethics and scientific research
B. The scientific approach
C. Research process
D. Research design/methodology
E. Steps in doing research
I. Description
Concepts, theories, principles and processes basic to the delivery of safe and quality nursing care of mother and child. It encompasses promotive and preventive care of mothers with normal health conditions including curative and rehabilitative care to those with disturbances in reproductive health. Further, it focuses on the nursing care to children in various stages of growth and development.
II. Terminal Competencies
1. Utilizes the nursing processes in the care of mother and child/their families and communities.
2. Communicates effectively with the clients and families as well as with other members of the health team in various settings.
3. Demonstrates leadership and management skills in promoting safe and quality nursing care to clients.
4. Utilizes concepts, theories and principles in the care of clients.
5. Utilizes research findings to improve the nursing care to clients, family and community.
6. Adheres to ethico-legal and moral imperatives of health care.
7. Recognizes his/her responsibility for personal and professional growth and development.
III. Content Outline
1. Foundation of Maternal and Child Health Nursing Practice/Biophysical Aspects of Human Reproduction
A. Philosophy, goals
B. Concepts, theories, principles and standards of care
C. Anatomy and physiology
D. Sexuality
E. Menstrual cycle
F. Responsible parenthood
G. Theories and principles of growth and development
2. Pregnancy-Antepartum
A. Stages of fetal development
B. Signs and symptoms of pregnancy
C. Nursing care
D. Birth setting and alternative methods of delivery
E. Physiological and psychological changes of pregnancy
F. Needs of pregnant women
G. Danger signs and symptoms
H. Complications of pregnancy
3. Pregnancy-intrapartum
A. Theories of labor
B. Components of labor: 3 P-s
C. Nursing care during labor
D. Analgesia and anesthesia of labor and delivery
E. Complications of labor and delivery
4. Postpartum and Newborn
A. Placental stage
B. Nursing care of the mother
C. Nursing care of the newborn
D. Breast feeding/rooming-in
E. Complications of postpartum
5. Puerperium and Infancy
A. Involution
B. Care of the mother
C. Physical, motor, cognitive, psycho-social and language development
D. Well-baby care
E. Nutrition, immunization, play activities
F. Common problems/disorders of infancy
6. Toddler
A. Physical, motor, cognitive, psycho-social, language and moral development
B. Toilet training
C. Well-baby care
D. Nutrition, immunization, play activities
E. Common problems/disorders of toddlers
7. Pre-Schooler/Schooler
A. Physical, cognitive, psycho-social and moral development
B. Sibling rivalry
C. Play activities
D. Sex education
E. Common problems/disorders of pre-schooler/schooler
8. Pre-adolescent/Adolescent
A. Physical, psycho-social and moral development
B. Sex characteristics
C. Needs and tasks
D. Common problems/disorders of pre-adolescent/adolescent
9. Problems/Disorders in Children
A. Prematurity
B. Congenital malformations
C. Nephrotic Syndrome
D. Metabolic disturbances
F. Infectious diseases
10. Problem/Disorders in Mothers including gynecologic disorders
A. High risk maternal conditions
B. Pregrancy related conditions
C. Metabolic, cardiac, hematologic aberrations in pregrancy
D. Menopause
E. Cellular aberrations of the reproductive organs
F. Degenerative disorders of women
I. Description
This course deals with health programs, services and strategies of the Department of Health; concepts, philosophy, goals and objectives of Community Health Nursing; and the basic roles, functions and responsibilities of the community health nurse. It also includes care of clients with non-communicable and communicable diseases.
II. Terminal Competencies
1. Utilizes the the nursing process in the care of individuals, families and communities.
2. Utilizes leadership and management process as an important tool of the health care provider in varied health care settings.
3. Communicates effectively with clients, families, communities and other members of health care.
4. Conducts research and uses research findings to improve health care in the community.
5. Demonstrates appropriate attitudes/behaviors as a model health professional.
6. Implements the concepts, principles and values of primary health care as health care provider.
7. Participates in the implementation of DOH health programs, services and strategies.
8. Participates in activities related to the prevention and control of communicable diseases.
9. Assumes responsibility for personal and professional development.
III. Content Outline
1. The Philippine Health Care Delivery System
A. National Health Plan
B. Health scenarios
2. Legislations affecting Community Health Nursing Practice
A. Laws
B. Executive orders and letters of instructions
C. DOH Circulars/Memoranda
3. Primary Health Care
A. Definition
B. Conceptual framework
C. Essential elements
D. Types of PHC workers
4. Health Programs, Services and Strategies
A. Maternal and child health
B. Nutrition
C. Dental hygience
D. Environmental sanitation
E. Vital and health statistics
F. Occupational health
G. Health education
5. Care of Older Persons
A. Needs of older persons Issues and concerns
C. Common diseases affecting older persons
D. Nursing functions and responsibilities
6. Community Health Nursing
A. Definition and concepts
B. Philosophy, goals and objectives
C. Principles and process
D. Levels of care
7. Roles, Functions and Responsibilities of the Community Health Nurse
A. Nursing process
B. Nursing procedures
C. Nursing management
D. Nursing research
E. Personal and professional development
8. Nursing Care of clients with communicable diseases
A. General principles and techniques
B. Epidemiology
C. Prevention and control
D. Nursing functions and responsibilities
9. Nursing Care of clients with Non-Communicable Diseases
A. Prevalence
B. Risk Factors
C. Prevention and control
D. Nursing functions and responsibilities
10. Research in Community Health Nursing
A. Applied research
B. Utilization of research findings
C. Records and reports Field Health Services and Information System
I. Description
Nursing care of clients with alterations in health patterns throughout the life cycle utilizing the nursing process. This course also includes disaster nursing and care of clients in acute biological crises.
II. Terminal Competencies
1. Applies the nursing process to health care situations.
2. Relates the pathological changes brought about by stresses, illness, etc. to patient care.
3. Institutes health teaching strategies to help create a therapeutic environment for clients, families and communities.
4. Utilizes the different techniques of enabling the clients, families and communities to cope with illness or death.
5. Strives to continue reaffirming the dignity and worth of man through the provision of supportive comfort measures to patients, families and communities at all times and even when death is inevitable.
6. Communicates effectively with clients and members of the health team.
7. Analyzes socio-economic, cultural, political and other factors in relation to the occurrences of illness or disease conditions.
8. Integrates the socio-political, technological and economic systems and their influence on the Philippine health care delivery.
9. Conducts research and uses research studies to improve patient care.
10. Assumes responsibility for personal and professional growth.
III. Content Outline
1. Concepts of Stress and Illness
A. Health-illness continuum
B. Epidemiology of illness
C. Stress models
D. Response to stress
2. Nursing Interventions in Illness
A. Holistic approach in different stages of development stages
1. Biophysical
2. Psychosocial
B. Pharmacological therapeutics
C. Patients in surgery
D. Patients in pain
E. The dying process
3. Care of Patients with Specific Disturbances in
A. Oxygenation
B. Fluids and electrolytes . Metabolism
D. Inflammatory and immunologic responses
E. Perception and coordination . Cellular aberrations
4. Care of Patients with Peripheral Vascular Disorders
A. Structure, function and assessment
B. Arterial disorders
C. Venous and lymphatic disorders
D. Diagnostic procedures
5. Care of Patients with Urinary Disorders
A. Structures, function and assessment
B. Renal disorders
C. Diagnostic procedures
6. Care of Patients with Integumentary Disorders
A. Structure, function and assessment
B. Protection of the skin, hair and nail
C. Restoring skin structure and function
7. Care of Patients with Hematologic Disorders
A. Basic concepts of hematology assessment
B. Blood transfusion
C. Erythrocytes disorders
D. Diagnostic procedures
8. Care of Patients with Neurologic Disorders
A. Structure, function and assessment
B. Head and spinal injury
C. Diagnostic procedures
9. Care of Patients Experiencing Disorders of the Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas
A. Structure, functions and assessment
B. Evaluation and management
C. Diagnostic procedures
10. Nurses Role in
A. Infection control
B. I.V. therapy
C. Emergency and disaster situations
D. Life threatening conditions
I. Description
Principles, concepts and theories underlying psychiatric nursing care to individuals, families and communities in a variety of settings.
II. Terminal Competencies
1. Utilizes knowledge from the psychological, biological sciences, theories of personality and human behavior in the care of psychiatric clients.
2. Utilizes the nursing process in giving holistic nursing care to all kinds of clients.
3. Applies appropriate communication techniques with clients, families and other members of the health team in various settings.
4. Demonstrates leadership and management skills to ensure safe and quality care.
5. Works collaboratively with other members of the health team.
6. Applies the ethico-legal principles in psychiatric nursing.
7. Participates in research undertakings and utilizes findings to improve psychiatric nursing care.
8. Assumes responsibility for personal and professional growth.
III. Content Outline
1. Personality development and principles of mental health
A. Mental health as a concept
B. Principles of Psychiatric Nursing
C. Nursing process in Psychiatric Nursing
D. Research as a tool in improving psychiatric nursing care.
2. Crisis and Crisis Intervention
A. Crisis intervention
B. Common crises situations
3. Anxiety Response and Anxiety Disorders
A. Etiological theories of anxiety
B. Levels of anxiety
C. Ego defense mechanisms
D. Anxiety related disorders
4. Anxiety Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence
A. Childhood
B. Adolescence
5. Psychophysiologic disorders
A. Theories of psychophysiologic disorders
B. Predisposing factors
C. Common organ systems affected by psychological factors
D. Nursing care and psychopharmacology
6. Personality disorders
A. Psychodynamics of personality disorders
B. Predisposing factors
C. Types of personality disorders
D. Nursing care and psychopharmacology
7. Emotional responses and mood disorders
A. Psychodynamics of mood disorders
B. Predisposing factors
C. Alterations in mood
D. Treatment modalities, psychopharmacology and nursing care
8. Thought disorders (Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders)
A. Theories of etiology of schizophrenia
B. Types of schizophrenia
C. Primary and secondary symptoms of schizophrenia
D. Treatment modalities, psychopharmacology and nursing care
9. Substance abuse and related disorders
A. Alcoholism
B. Drug abuse and dependence
C. Treatment modalities, psychopharmacology and nursing care
10. Organic Mental Syndrome and Disorders
A. Etiology
B. Fundamental principles in the care of cognitively impaired person
C. Organic mental syndrome
D. Organic mental disorders
E. Treatment modalities, psychopharmacology and nursing care
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